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Cohort S20 Nursing S20 Nursing

Current round: #1 from 20/03/2023 to 08/09/2023

Terms and Conditions


Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information contained in pages of the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) Student Matching Scheme web site. However, contents are subject to change from time to time and the NWSSP can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information presented at any given time. The NWSSP reserves the right to make changes without notice.

Student Matching Scheme

Information on the NWSSP web site relating to student matching scheme, is provided as advance publicity and for guidance purposes only.  It does not constitute a contract.  Every possible effort is made to ensure that information on the student matching scheme is accurate and current.  However, this information is subject to change without notice both before and after a candidate's admission. It is the responsibility of the appointing organisation to inform the candidate of any change affecting their selections. Candidates are, therefore, advised to contact the relevant department if they wish to confirm all details of what is currently available.

Permitted Use

Visitors to this website are granted permission to access published materials (content) subject to these terms. By using the website, you agree to be bound by the terms of use.

Whilst content may be accessed, downloaded and used for personal and non-commercial purposes (e.g. private research, study or in-house use); visitors must not reproduce or re-publish any material from this website without permission from the website / copyright owner. Images, logos and graphics used on this site are owned by us and/or third parties. These must not be used without obtaining permission from the copyright owner.

You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights relating to this website belong to NWSSP and where applicable, third party associates.

External links

NWSSP is not responsible for the content of external sites and does not necessarily support the views they express or guarantee the accuracy of the information they provide. Any reference by NWSSP via links to external web sites are provided as a courtesy. Any reference, via such links, should not be construed by the user as an endorsement by NWSSP of the services provided by external companies, individuals or other providers. The user should satisfy himself/herself that the services provided by the external company, individual or provider appropriately meet the user's needs and requirements. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and have no control over the availability of the linked pages or change of website address. NWSSP reserves the right to reject or remove links to any website.

NWSSP does not accept responsibility or liability for services provided by external companies, individuals or other providers. Further, NWSSP does not accept responsibility, or liability, for the content of, or information contained on the web site belonging to external companies, individuals or other providers or for any harm caused or arising in respect thereof.


Every effort is made to ensure downloadable content is free from viruses. However, it is recommended that you run an anti-virus program on all materials downloaded from the internet. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or computer system which may occur whilst using material derived from this website.


All trademarks on this site remain the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only.